Mac diagnostic tools from the 1970s
Mac diagnostic tools from the 1970s

Lots of statistics and info presented in a take your time kinda way.Much nicer UI than SMARTReporter, feels much cleaner and less in your face.


Install via brew: brew install smartmontools.(Check man page for usage details: man smartctl) primarily command-line only, GUI depends on the X Server,but even if you do have XQuartz installed, GUI doesn't show up.User Interface is kinda compact (feels a bit overwhelming with everything squished together).

mac diagnostic tools from the 1970s

In addition, some hardware components such as your system's PSU (power supply unit) are best checked with specialized electrical equipment designed to check for faults in your PSU, such as your PSU is no longer capable of sustaining the level of Watts your system requires. So while it may seem like a good idea to try to find a really generalized and versatile hardware diagnostics app, you'll probably be better off with getting smaller more specialized apps that are designed to only check one to a few of your system's hardware components.

mac diagnostic tools from the 1970s

The likelihood that a single tool or utility will provide all of the diagnostic capabilities that you are looking for is very slim if you do happen to find such a utility, there's a decent chance that its support for said capabilities will be shallow.

Mac diagnostic tools from the 1970s